Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Decisive Moment Shots.

These are out of order.






1. A burnt bush in front of my town library. This was unexpected. It had already happened (the fire) and I had actually seen this burnt mass several times before passing by, but I decided to photograph it for the project. I collected some samples of the charred twigs. Makes good charcoal for drawing with. I wonder how it started. Was there a library arsonist? A smoker who flicked their cigarette into the wrong area? Molotov cocktail? Probably not. Someone who really hates books....
2. I spotted these fire trucks on the road while I was driving to school. Luckily I had my camera. This was not in relation to the library fire. I have no idea why this occurred either. No signs of an accident except for the police cars and fire truck. It's always fun to witness something dramatic though. I wish I had seen something horrifying and amazing. Some car in a ditch, or a bicyclist laying on the pavement sobbing.
3. Toilet paper in a tree. Really pretty. They couldn't clean the mess at the top of the branches.
4. Two red carts that were facing out from each other. I found them like that.
5. I saw this cart come crashing slowly into the car. It was a gentle hit. I wasn't quick enough with the camera to capture the actual action. Just the aftermath.

1 comment: said...

I still like the shopping carts you showed in class but the fire trucks are good, too. They show an event unfolding. The key to capturing a decisive moment, I think is to capture something happening using the frame in a unique and dynamic way that considers the edges really well. Also placing the subjects exactly in the right places within the frame in relation to the edges.